Why the Look of Our Homes Contributes to Our Mental and Emotional Well-Being

woman waking up from her sleep

Home tour videos, like those of Architectural Digest, may have already been around for a while now, but when the popular channel featured Dakota Johnson’s home several months ago, followed by Kendall Jenner’s, dream houses blew up on the internet again. The buzz even grew louder when James Charles came out with his own house tour video, showcasing his “sisters studio”, which was furnished with top-of-the-line filming equipment.

Of course, these videos are all made for entertainment purposes only, but they seemed to have delivered a lasting impact to the viewers. A lot of them commented about being inspired after seeing the beautiful houses. Some felt empowered, and others simply wished that they could also afford to live lavishly.

In light of these, it makes sense to assume to people started being more conscious about their homes. In fact, with or without home videos on the internet, an average person already thinks about their abodes a lot. We often look for what could be improved, such as countertop material, interior design style, storage, maintenance, and more.

How Interior Design Affects Our Well-being

When we walk into a cozy, welcoming space, we immediately feel calm and pleased. But if it is a cluttered and dull room that we’ve entered, our anxiety will be triggered, and stress levels increased.

The change in our moods begins with the lighting. We may be unaware of this yet, but the amount of light in a room affects the state of our minds. If a home has more lights, it is likely that its dweller is optimistic, relaxed, and confident. Thus, if you’re seeking the same kind of energy, improving your home’s lighting may be the answer.

Colors, like lighting, also alters our moods and emotions. Have you noticed that fast-foods usually have red in their logos? It may be because red invokes hunger, as well as love and desire. Even scientists agree with the psychology of colors, proving that seeing certain hues stimulate specific emotions. Hence, interior designers recommend a color palette of your liking, so that your mood at home will always be bright.

The decors you add, needless to say, affect your well-being, too. Homes with plenty of plants incorporate the outdoors, making dwellers feel closer to nature. The plants create a serene and Zen atmosphere, helping banish stress and fatigue.

room with minimalistic design

Clutter and its Relation to Depression

Severely depressed people tend to lose energy for simple daily tasks, such as showering and cleaning. As such, their spaces are left cluttered, mirroring the state of their minds.

However, living with clutter may only worsen their well-being. Constantly seeing piles of unorganized stuff can increase anxiety levels, and doing nothing about it may tarnish their self-respect.

Hence, even if it’s hard for them to start cleaning and decluttering, they must find the will to do so, because the effects will be worth their effort. If you’re having this problem, start small; every day, do something nice for your home, such as folding your laundry or buying new cleaning rags in bulk for your grimy counters. The next day, consider mowing your lawn or vacuuming furniture. As you make progress, your self-respect will be renewed, and you’ll start to gain the long-term impacts of a tidy space.

Creating a Healing Environment

The University of Wisconsin Health agrees that a healing environment is essential for us to thrive. But it is often overlooked, according to UW Health psychologist, Shilagh Mirgain.

Therefore, if your space is plagued with the mess, outdated decor, and a drab design, treat yourself and make the necessary changes. Assess the overall vibe first; it is inviting and cozy? If that particular area needs improvement, consider whether the furniture needs to be changed. Perhaps adding seats will make guests feel more at home.

Scan the brightness as well; if the dimness of the space appears to be the culprit for your bad mood, try to let in more natural light if possible, or to install mood lighting.

If the color palette is trendy yet not aligned with your personality, don’t be afraid to experiment. Go bold with reds and yellows if you want to. Remember that it’s your personal space, and should therefore feel yours and yours alone.

Incorporate nature through plants, and cultivate joy by adding memorabilia and other personal items into each room. You’ll be delighted to realize how much these simple additions improve your mood.

Bear in mind that at the end of the day, it isn’t the latest gadgets nor the most expensive home that will earn us contentment. Rather, it’s a kind, comfortable, and nurturing environment, so let’s grant it to ourselves by sprucing up our homes.

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