Why Homeowners Should Invest on Yard Landscaping


A lot of homeowners spend money to enhance their property’s overall aesthetic appeal. Some of them even pay commercial landscaping contractors in areas like Greenville to enhance their yard’s aesthetics. On the other hand, some prefer building a home addition or a relaxing patio as an extension of their home living space.

For one thing, landscaping is not merely for aesthetic purposes. While it does enhance your home’s aesthetic appeal, it can also add value to your home, especially if you decide to sell it later on. A Post Office Money report revealed that garden landscaping could increase the value of your property by as much as 77 percent. Landscaping can even enhance property value more than interior home decor and designs.

Why you should invest in yard landscaping

It is said that a house with a nice-looking landscaped yard can be sold higher than homes without proper garden designing, but up to 12.7 percent. Landscaping is more than planting flowers and shrubs and adding decorated stones on your yard. Instead, a beautifully landscaped yard can also be a reflection of the homeowner.

The Post Office Money reports that having a garden landscape can increase property value by up to 77 percent. Other home improvements, such as adding a home gym (44 percent), home addition (37 percent), or a Jacuzzi (27 percent), fall way behind landscaping. Landscaping is also said to be less costly than building a home addition or even a swimming pool.

A well-maintained yard and a home mean the homeowners care a lot for their property. After all, a piece of real estate property usually does not come cheap. The property size matters, but it’s the property’s aesthetic appeal that often catches potential buyers’ attention. That is why appearance also matters when selling a real estate property.

Planning a garden landscaping project

Landscaped yard

Investing in home landscaping can be one of the best decisions you can ever make. If you want to improve your yard, you should do the following to get started.

Plant trees.

When you say landscape, it may usually pertain to shrubs and flowering plants. However, it is also a good idea to plant trees in your yard. It can provide shade, bear fruit, and even help in saving the environment. Plus, trees can add up to your property’s value, according to a study published in Landscape and Urban Planning in 2010.

Make your landscaped yard as low-maintenance as possible.

There are ways you can make your yard low maintenance. One way is by planning a landscaped yard that promotes water conservation. Not only can it reduce maintenance time but also save on water expenses.

Pay attention to your pathway.

It is nice to have a landscaped yard. However, you might also want to pay attention to your pathway area. For example, you can add plants or shrubs on both sides of the pathway. These additions can make your home look more welcoming and visually appealing.

Landscaping may come with a price – literally. However, it can be one of the best home improvement decisions you can ever make. Not only can it make your home look aesthetically appealing but also add value to the property.

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