A Double Pandemic: The Rise of Domestic Violence in the Age of COVID-19


Countries worldwide have imposed stringent lockdown protocols to contain the coronavirus, and though these restrictions are keeping people safe, they’ve also drastically increased the risks correlated with domestic violence. The situation makes the home a dangerous place for specific people, including women, children, and LGBTQ+ individuals.

Data from an established Massachusetts hospital shows the dramatic increase of domestic or intimate partner violence cases among their patients who sought medical care during the first weeks of the pandemic. The world has become a scary place, but homes have become even more frightening for domestic violence victims.

If you think you’re in a bad situation with your spouse, you can contact a divorce attorney who works in Colorado Springs or nearby areas as they’re always ready to help. However, if you’re getting physically, emotionally, or mentally abused, contact local authorities as soon as possible.

But you may wonder, what is the reason behind the sudden increase of domestic violence cases amid the pandemic?

Things Just Escalated

It’s essential to remember that domestic violence already existed and was already a global pandemic long before COVID-19 introduced itself. According to global statistics by the United Nations (UN), over 240 million adult women and young girls between the ages of 14 and 49 worldwide experienced domestic violence. These stats prove that every one in three women has been subjected to domestic violence at some point in their lives.

Today’s current situation of ever-increasing sick individuals, rising unemployment, increased anxiety, financial issues, and depleting resources have dramatically increased domestic violence cases. That’s because abusers can feel the pressure and stress of the situation, increasing their consumption of drugs, alcohol, or even hoard guns. This situation leaves many victims to forcibly stay inside their violent homes with limited access to connect with friends or family.

Experts have called the lesser-known pandemic of domestic violence during the COVID-19 situation a ‘ticking time bomb.’ And the crisis is giving different effects on various countries.

For instance, in Latin America, countries such as Brazil have experienced a spike in calls to emergency hotlines, suggesting an increase in domestic violence. In China, police officers have received over three times as many calls regarding domestic violence in the first couple of weeks of the COVID-19 outbreak. Some first-world countries, including the United States, France, Australia, and Germany, have also seen massive increases in domestic abuse reports since the pandemic started.


How Do They Cope

So, how are these countries coping with the spike in domestic violence cases? Several nations and local non-governmental organizations are protecting the victims by establishing campaigns through social media platforms, spreading the awareness of the issue. They also provide accessible sources to domestic abuse victims, such as 24/7 hotlines and text message-based reporting. Some countries are also offering online or virtual court hearings to offer legal protection to these victims.

However, despite the dire circumstances, there’s now a unique opportunity to shine a light on domestic violence, spread awareness, and protect victims. And the public and government officials are now aware of its severity more than ever.

If you’re experiencing any form of abuse at home inflicted by your spouse or romantic partner, never hesitate to reach out, especially during these trying times. Emergency hotlines are still operating, and there are still available domestic violence programs to help you out. Fight for your rights and get out of a lousy relationship fast to achieve a better, healthier, and happier outcome in life.

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